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Kshetrin Soil-Saviour!

Scientific, Economical & 100% Organic Compost
What we do

We are a venture aiming to popularise the organic agriculture related practices in the farmers as well as the consumers in India and abroad.

With our holistic vision of “Soil. Harvest. Farmer. Food.” and a mission statement of “Improving soil quality, farmers’ livelihoods, and consumers’ nourishment,” we are collaborating with the farmer community to improve their livelihood.

How we do it

Our first product is focused on solving the twin problems of unmanageable municipal solid waste & agricultural waste and declining soil productivity.

We convert the municipal solid waste and residue of crops into soil amendments which are enriched to redress the deficiencies in the land. This also redresses the issue of environmentally damaging farm practice of burning farm residue.
Vermicompost and farm-yard manures, the most common organic soil amendments, have the sole focus on increasing organic activity in the soil. Such soil amendments suffer from lack of uniformity, lower shelf life and do not address region-specific micronutrient deficiencies. Further, the manufacturing process of such amendments is land and labour intensive and needs months to complete. With our use of advanced machinery and scientifically designed processes, we overcome these challenges.
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